Enhanced SMS & Caller ID+ Apk 2.6.6

Enhanced SMS & Caller ID+ v2.6.6
Enhanced SMS & Caller ID provides voice notifications for incoming callers, incoming SMS/MMS messages, new K9 / Kaiten messages, new AquaMail messages, new Gmail messages, Gtalk/Hangout notifications, status bar notifications and event reminders for your Google Calendar.

We invite you to see why this is the best talking Caller ID, SMS voice notification & more Android app!

Don't be fooled by imitators, there is just one app you should use for SMS & Caller ID voice notifications and this is it!

Our users have called us "the most trusted alert reader on the market". A highly configurable voice notification app that can read just about anything.

You could waste your money on those other apps that do one or two things Enhanced SMS & Caller ID can do, or you can get the all in one solution!

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